
Kunta: Toimiala: Hakusana:  
Uusi haku
Alue   Puhelin  02 2512721
Lähiosoite  Nahkurinkatu 8 Fax  
Postinumero  20100 Sähköposti
Postitoimipaikka  TURKU Kotisivu http://www.afifa.fi
  Y-tunnus  20817034
Toimialat Hakusanat
Muu toimiala


Toiminnan kuvaus

The first dance-school in Finland teaching only oriental dances. Studio was founded in 1990 in Turku by Afifa. From the unpretentious beginning studio has grown into a working place of five regular teachers and more than ten weekly classes. There are dance-classes for many different levels and styles: from beginners to advanced, from classical Raks Sharki to colorful selection of folkdances from many countries of the East. There is also a possibility for tailor-made classes for many special groups e.g working places, pregnant women, mother-daughter class, deaf persons, physically disabled etc. and many special workshops with visitors both from Finland and abroad. This far there has been a privilege to learn with some great dancers as Morocco from the USA, Anne Ashcroft and Vashti from England, Feyrouz from Germany, Bia Bergström and Kay Artle from Sweden plus many others. Besides classes and workshops Afifa Studio has a summer-camp with dance-classes and other recreation in beautiful seaside town of Naantali, and Studio is also a main organizer of the first Finnish oriental dance festival: "Oriental Dance Festival of Finland" - a great three-days-long dance-festival that is held annually in January since 1996.

Hakua helpottavat sanat

Dance, tanssi, tanssikoulu, dance-school, oriental dance, folk, tanssitunnit, tanssiopetus, tanssitunnit

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